The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (Act) came into effect from 20.07.2020. This paved the way to protect, promote and enforce the rights of class of consumers. The Act incorporated phenomenal provisions to further strengthen consumer rights, such as establishment of a regulatory authority, namely, the Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) to regulate matters relating to violation of consumer rights, misleading advertisement and unfair trade practice which are prejudicial to the interest of consumers as a class and public at large.

The CCPA is continuously working for consumer protection and empowerment of consumers by enforcement of progressive legislations by ensuring that no person shall engage in any practice for the sale of goods and services which contravenes the provisions of the ibid Act.


  • enquire / investigation for violations of consumer rights or unfair trade practices.
  • file complaints before the Consumer Commission.
  • review the matters relating to consumer rights.
  • recommend adoption of international covenants on consumer rights.
  • promote research in the field of consumer rights.
  • promote awareness on consumer rights.
  • protect consumers interest.
  • issue safety notices to alert consumers against hazardous or unsafe goods or services.
  • advise the Ministries and Departments of the Central and State Governments on consumer welfare measures.
  • issue necessary guidelines to prevent unfair trade practices.


  • Conduct investigations into violations of consumer rights.
  • To issue Directions to recall, refund and discontinuation of practices in matters of violation of rights of consumers as well as for unfair trade practice.
  • To discontinue/modify the false/misleading advertisement or may impose penalties.